Social mobility a thing of the past

I’ve seen social mobility mentioned today and how hard it is to move up the ladder in the UK.

My answer is of course it is!
Look at wage growth, price increases all around (travel, food & cost of living).

There are people with a good education that was supposed to guarantee a certain wage annually that are still being paid less than what was mentioned and have a huge debt (student loan) to pay back which you never really can because you’re not earning enough.  What comes out of your wages manages to pay the yearly interest. There are a few lucky people who have social connections or attended the “right” university or have worked like a dog to get higher up but times have changed.

It seems all people can hope for if they have an ordinary job is try obtain a mortgage which they spend their whole life paying for and leave that to the next generation and also try leave life insurance and hope that benefits. It’s not really encouraging or something to hope for but there are little and few options from what I can see.

Someone please correct me if you think you can work your way up in a job these days?  In many jobs that’s not the case. Job’s are exactly that jobs not careers there is a difference. It’s not like years ago where you could work for a company for a few years and be rewarded by moving up the chain in terms of job prospects now you’ll be lucky to get an increment in pay that is worth anything when considering  travel increases (petrol or bus/ train).

Gone are the days of marrying upwards too if you’re not on or above a persons level of income chances are you won’t be marrying someone in a higher social class unless blessed with allot of beauty which often means marrying an older person who wants someone younger and more attractive.

I hate to write stories of sad things but that is the current climate that the country is in and I don’t see it improving anytime soon with other scenarios looking to continue the trend of doom such as (brexit, climate change) you can see my other article on the brexit for more info on that (brexit, please charge us more).

What’s the hope in the end c.g.t (capital gains tax) to take away from your children or a government that wants to barely pay you your pension before you make retirement age just after your average life expectancy or rob your estate wealth to pay for your care because you’ve finally made it to retirement age but went crazy through worrying about just getting there.
“O what a world… melting melting”.

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