Simply be plus size woman commercial good or bad?

My reason for this article is because it is nice to see a positive message on tv for once.

I saw the simply be plus size commercial today and I know it’s not everyone’s thing because there are those that try shame and ridicule women of plus size but I personally found them very attractive.

My arguments for the models are:

– as long as they are healthy there is no harm in being plus size they are not obese

– they are not encouraging people to live unhealthy by showing their size on tv they are simply showing clothes that fit plus size people just as you would slim people

– some people with medical conditions (thyroid and other issues) are not going to be able to be slim and maintain it.

– it is a positive message for natural rather than cosmetically changed bodies

– it promotes confidence to children who maybe bullied or thought they couldn’t do certain professions such as modelling.

To those people who want to tease people that see plus size imagine you had a child that put on weight as they got older say teens or younger what would you do? Would you tease your child so they feel bad thinkng it will encourage them to take action by exercising ? or would you try to help by suggesting but not insulting them and possibly helping them by going with them to the gym or helping them cut back on bad foods.

I am in no way paid by simply be or getting any benefit from mentioning them but if you like the message and are rich and want to bless someone a.k.a me

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